Thursday, May 19, 2016

Vegetarian Organic Gardening

The Substitutes for bone,blood meal or fish fertilizer all other alternatives for N,P,K
Update- as I am a strict vegetarian, which means that I eat no animal (chicken or fish etc) not even eggs!!  why I am telling you guys here. yes I am going to explain.
    first thing why I am going to grow vegetables. so I can get organic and healthiest vegetable with out pesticides. so people will think why not just buy the organic, yes I can buy the organic veggie.
but all organic gardening is not same. plus you have to pay four times more.
   like many organic gardeners I did not use those synthetics fertilizer but rely on old standbys like bone meal, blood meal .
   As I am vegetarian gardener after just using once, didn't feel good at all. Whether my soil test says your garden needs potash, phosphorus or nitrogen, I decided not to use bone or blood meal anymore. so how can vegetarians avoid fish, blood and bonemeal as fertilizer I thought about other alternatives and did little research.
The major main plant nutrients are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).
  •  Nitrogen- ( promotes green leaves and foliage growth and foliage growth),cotton seed meal or try using alfalfa meal or the alfalfa pellets sold for rabbit feed, instead of blood meal or fish emulsion. Alfalfa is a quick-acting source of nitrogen, with healthy amounts of phosphorus and potash.
  • Phosphorus-  ( works for plants root growth )Rather than using bone meal as your source of phosphorus, try soft-rock phosphate.
  • potassium or potash, (for overall plant growth ) kelp meal or wood ashes( raised pH of soil).Dried Banana Peel Fertilizer or greensand or azomite a mined mineral as a slow-release source of potassium.

          Other Important Micronutrients and Soil Amendments
  •  Calcium, Add crushed eggshells or Gypsum you can add calcium without raised pH of your soil. you can also use garden lime this will provide your soil calcium and magnesium at the same time this will increase pH of your soil. use if you want to break heavy clay soil or reducing acidity of soil.
  • Magnesium, Epsom salt is good source for this.
  • Mulches, feeding the soil with organic matter. It will also encourage more worms to live in your soil.
  • Compost
  • Worm Casting or Earthworms


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